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Sunday, 8 November 2015


University of Washington professor Babak Parviz and colleagues reported that they’ve managed to develop a contact lens that can display a single pixel to the wearer. This in itself is not useful, but the team is aiming to be able to create a multipixel display in the contact lens, which only the wearer will be able to see
The contact lens has a small Integrated Circuit for managing the LED’s. It also has a circular antennae for external communication and power harvesting.
In future, the scientists will be able to display real time, multi-coloured information onto the contact lens. Imagine travelling to Egypt, looking at one of the pyramids, and seeing a floating label with the pyramid’s name and height above it!
The scientists are also targeting game developers, who’ll be able to fully immerse the player in a virtual world using these lenses.
for more information follow the below link......

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